A method for Christians to counter the effects of modernism and postmodernism

That first version of the book focused mainly on the challenges of “modernism,” that scientific, rationalistic materialism that leaves no room for any kind of supernatural worldview. Though this way of thinking remains, the paradigms have now shifted, and we are in a “postmodern” climate, in which truth is seen to be not objective at all, not a discovery but a construction. Truth, it is claimed, is relative, culturally-conditioned, a function of the will, and ultimately unknowable.

Christians should use and develop their minds. The mental faculties of the human mind—the power to think, to discover, to wonder, and to imagine—are precious gifts of God. The Christian who pursues knowledge, seeks education, and explores even the most “secular” subjects is fulfilling a Christian vocation that is pleasing to God and of great importance to the Church. The Bible, by precept and example, affirms this and opens up the whole realm of human knowledge to the Christian.

Veith, Gene Edward (2003-10-07). Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in a Postmodern World (pp. 7-8,11). Good News Publishers. Kindle Edition.

Author: Forgetfulness

The freedom of self forgetfulness, is found through fly fishing on remote streams in the high country of the west slope of the central Sierra. Being alone in the high country, mends the mind and soul. Then, I am better prepared to meet the trials of this temporal world.

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